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  • Thanks to your help

    Workshops, exibition and icon auctions

    We carried out two open-air icon-writing workshops attended by painters from Ukraine and Poland. In collaboration with the Dobry Grunt Foundation, we held four exhibitions and two auctions of the created works to help organise trips for children from Ukraine.
    In collaboration with the Dobry Grunt foundation and Mateusz Środoń, in September 2022 we organised an open-air icon-writing event titled “Modlitwa za Ukrainę – Oblicza Światła” (“Prayers for Ukraine – The Faces of Light”). The event brought together Ukrainian nationals: Anna Gorditsa, Dmytro Gorditsa, Tamara Kolesnyk, Inna Kuzmynska, Juriy Verbovsky, as well as Polish nationals: Hanna Dąbrowska-Certa, Michał Płoski, Mateusz Środoń. After the end of the event, in 2022, the icons were exhibited in the Łuczanowice Mansion, in Piwnica Powszechna in Kraków, in the Zofia Weiss Gallery in Kraków, during a SzkoUA (Ukrainian School in Warsaw) meeting, as well as in the Male Dominican Convent at Freta Street in Warsaw.
    Another open-air event titled “Miłosierdzie, Eleos, Rachamim” (“Mercy, Eleos, Rachamim”) took place in late August, 2023, in Łuczanowice. Again, it brought together Ukrainian nationals: Tamara Kolesnyk, Inna Kuzmynska, Natalia Synyszyn and Anastazja Kronik, as well as Polish nationals: Hanna Dąbrowska-Certa, Anna Kopeć-Gibas, Dorota Łoskot-Cichocka, Sister Gaudia Skass, Leszek Szymborski, Mateusz Środoń and Ewa Zalewska. On 14 October 2023, an exhibition of the icons written during the event was opened in Częstochowa.
    You can find more information about our open-air workshops and exibitions  on the official website:

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