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  • Thanks to your help

    326 people in the art workshop


    We ran “Afternoons”, after-school centres for children. Over 200 people, including children, their mothers and grandmothers, took advantage of afternoon classes for children conducted by volunteers in four Warsaw schools.
    Between March and June 2022, we ran common room points offering classes for children and support for parents from refugee families. The so-called “Popołudniki” (“Afternoons”) were organised in collaboration with two foundations: Przymierze Rodzin and Maria Montessori. Supervised by psychologists and supported by volunteers, the classes were held every day. Over 200 people – mothers with children aged 6-14 – benefited from the classes offered in four schools in Warsaw. While children were engaged While children were engaged in playing board games with volunteers, drawing, participating in sports classes or just spending time together, their mothers were able to have some time to themselves, as well as to talk to Polish parents, learn Polish or do aerobics.


    126 refugees from Ukraine, including children and parents, took part in “Spotkania ze sztuką” (“Art Meetups”) at the National Museum in Warsaw.
    Since May 2022, we were collaborating with the National Museum in Warsaw as part of the “Afternoons”, in May and June, we organised regular Friday workshops for children and parents who had fled the war in Ukraine.
    At the beginning of July, we started regular Polish language classes in the National Museum in Warsaw. The classes were part of the project titled “Polsko-ukraińskie spotkania ze sztuką” (“Polish-Ukrainian Art Meetups”), carried out in collaboration with The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Classes of the Polish language through art took place twice a week. They grouped young people from Ukraine aged 14-21.
    Classes were held at the National Museum in Warsaw every Friday until the end of 2022. Polish-Ukrainian groups, separate for adults and children, were guided through the exhibitions and participated in museum lessons.

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